
Warfare Prayers

Against Evil, False Prophets

  1. Pray with gratitude for the Cross.
  2. Thank God for Christ‘s redemptive suffering.
  3. Lord, remove whatever is keeping me from being the best for You.
  4. I command the spirit of confusion to come upon all satanic prophets hired against me, in the name of Jesus.
  5. I silence every prophet of doom targeted against my life, in the name of Jesus.
  6. The Lord should bring to naught all evil counselors and counsels against me.
  7. The Lord should coat my name with fire and favor.
  8. I command anything growing or present in my life contrary to the will of God to die, in the name of Jesus.
  9. I silence every false prophet that has ever been in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  10. The Lord should slay every false prophet hired against my life, in Jesus’ name.

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