1. Pray first of all and thank God for the grace you have been enjoying so far as a believer in Christ Jesus, in Jesus name.
2. Pray and ask God to give you an obedient heart, a heart that says yes without question to instructions from God, in Jesus name.
3. Ask God to furnish you with enough grace to pay the price of sacrifice and sometimes inconvenience and pain for the release of uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
4. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the path you must follow and the rivers must cross to get to the land of uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
5. Pray and ask the Lord to fit you by His mercy and kindness for uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
6. Pray and ask the Lord to get you to the place and point of real self-discipline and delay gratification for the attainment of this grace, in Jesus name.
7. Pray and ask the Lord to bring you to the place of real humility and meekness, so you can be fit for great and uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
8. Ask the Lord to help you with boldness to do the things you need to do, to take a bold stand for Him in the face of adversity, for such is the way to great grace, in Jesus name.
9. Pray and ask the Lord to open your eyes to scriptural truths and revelation that make for the release and workings of grace – uncommon, in Jesus name.
10. Ask the Lord for encounters, deep encounters in the word and of the Spirit that leads to the attaining of this grace, in Jesus name.
11. Pray and say; ‘Lord, count me in, cloth me with uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
12. Ask the Lord to fill you with joy in believing, so that you may take every of His word and instruction for what it says, doubting nothing, in Jesus name.
13. Declare that you have ears for instructions and heart for obedience, in Jesus name.
14. Ask the Lord to cloth you with grace to endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ, grace to stay put and in hold in the midst of persecution, in Jesus name.
15. Declare that you are worthy of God’s calling and purpose and that you will not give up and give in in spite of, in Jesus name.
16. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to furnish with the grace of Christ, grace that endured the cross for joy that was set before him, in Jesus name.
17. Pray and ask the Lord to open your eyes to recognize persons that He has put in your life and path to help you connect with uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
18. Pray and ask the Lord to inspire you with wisdom to know what to do and how to do it when you come face to face with the channels of great grace, in Jesus name.
19. Declare that you will not miss out or lose out of uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
20 Ask the Lord to help you endure the pain and the shame that make way for uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
21. Pray and ask the Lord to hold your hand and stable your feet as you share in the suffering of Christ which paves the way for uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
22. Ask the Lord to guide you with strength, inner strength for the journey to the land of uncommon grace, in Jesus name.
23. Pray and ask the Lord to shower you with love and compassion for people even when they persecute you for righteousness sake, and that you may be quick to forgive, in Jesus name.
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“I Am What I Am ONLY By The Grace Of God.” 1 Corinthians 15:10 But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me–and not without results.